Cancellations & No Shows
We realize that sometimes things happen, emergencies come up or you have a change of plans and can't go or no longer need your scheduled trip.
It is important that if you don't need your trip that you cancel at least 30-minutes prior to your scheduled pickup time. Cancellations can be left on our voice mail when the office is closed or operators are not available.
If the bus arrives to pick you up and the driver cannot locate you or you have failed to cancel your trip at least 30-minutes prior to your scheduled pickup time you will be considered a No Show. No Shows waste time and money, make other passengers late and deny service to others.
All no shows are tracked using our dispatch and scheduling software and we reserve the right to suspend service to anyone who accumulates an excessive number of no shows at the sole discretion of ASC.
You can appeal your suspension by calling ASC at (740) 353-5626 and asking to speak to the Transportation Coordinator.
For more details click here to see the official ASC No Show Policy.