Transportation to McDermott Area
Monday - Friday
Portsmouth 07:30 AM McDermott 08:15 AM
McDermott 08:15 AM Portsmouth 09:00 AM
Portsmouth 10:00 AM McDermott 10:30 AM
McDermott 10:30 AM Portsmouth 11:30 AM
Portsmouth 12:15 PM McDermott 01:00 PM
McDermott 01:30 PM Portsmouth 02:00 PM
Portsmouth 02:00 PM McDermott 02:45 PM
No Return Trips
All times are approximate.
Route is not operated unless someone schedules a trip in this area of the county.
Route is not operated on Federal holidays.
Route is subject to change and are based on passenger demand.
Number of passengers able to be accommodated on this route is based on the number of passengers on the bus. All trips are scheduled on a first come, first served basis.
Monday - Friday
Portsmouth 07:30 AM McDermott 08:15 AM
McDermott 08:15 AM Portsmouth 09:00 AM
Portsmouth 10:00 AM McDermott 10:30 AM
McDermott 10:30 AM Portsmouth 11:30 AM
Portsmouth 12:15 PM McDermott 01:00 PM
McDermott 01:30 PM Portsmouth 02:00 PM
Portsmouth 02:00 PM McDermott 02:45 PM
No Return Trips
All times are approximate.
Route is not operated unless someone schedules a trip in this area of the county.
Route is not operated on Federal holidays.
Route is subject to change and are based on passenger demand.
Number of passengers able to be accommodated on this route is based on the number of passengers on the bus. All trips are scheduled on a first come, first served basis.