Using Our Service
ASC is a “Demand Response Shared Ride” Public Transportation Service that is available throughout all of Scioto County Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday service is available for Portsmouth, New Boston, Wheelersburg, Rosemount, and West Portsmouth. If you want a ride on Saturday call 740-353-5165.
A common misconception is that our service is only for seniors or those with impairments, however our service is open to the public and anyone can use it.
You must call our office to register for our service and to schedule your trips in advance.
To register and to schedule trips call us at (740) 353-5626, ext. 203 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday.
Trips can be schedule up to two weeks in advance, however you must call at least 24-hours before you need your trip.
All trips are scheduled depending on availability. Space is limited on our service. Once all the seats on the buses are reserved no more trips can be taken for that particular day. For the best service you should schedule your trip as far in advance as possible.
Remember our service is a shared ride program and not a taxi.
You will be sharing the bus with other riders, so trips may take longer than in a private automobile as your driver will have others to pick up and to drop off.
You should keep this in mind when you schedule your trip and give yourself extra time to insure on-time arrival for everyone.
Also remember if your plans change and you no longer need your trip please call our office and let us know so someone else can take your place on our schedule.
For persons with Hearing or Speech impairments call the Ohio Relay service at 1-800-750-0750 for assistance to schedule your trip.